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Leanne Currey

Leanne Currey

Marine Ecologist - JCU

Research Locations: Coral Triangle Region

Leanne was a postdoctoral fellow on the Global FinPrint Project, based at the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in Townsville, Queensland Australia. She is now a research scientist for AIMS. As part of Global FinPrint Project, Leanne led the sampling of sharks and rays using BRUVs at coral reefs around northern Australia and at locations in the Pacific. Leanne’s research background has investigated the biology and spatial ecology of exploited fishes and how environmental conditions influence movement patterns and catch rates. Her specific interest lies in understanding what spatial and environmental factors drive the patterns in shark and ray diversity and abundance.


  • Examines environmental influences on abundance, diversity and catch of key marine species.
  • Combines innovative techniques (tracking and otolith isotope chemistry) to identify migration and movement patterns of reef predators at regional, reef, and within-reef scales.
  • Uses different setups of acoustic telemetry arrays to determine reef-scale and habitat-scale movement and space use of marine species.
  • Publications


  • Postdoctoral research: Australian Institute of Marine Science
  • Ph.D. Environmental Science, James Cook University, Australia
  • B.S. (Hons) Marine Biology, James Cook University, Australia